Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia

South Quarter, Tower C, 22nd Fl. Jalan R.A. Kartini Kav-8, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta
Bidang Industri: Makanan dan Minuman

We are Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, the power behind Indonesia’s favorite beverage brands. Through our world-class manufacturing and sales capabilities, every day we bring our complete portfolio to delight millions of our consumers from Sabang to Merauke.

As part of Amatil Group, we are international in presence, but local at heart. Being in Indonesia since 1992, we operate our best in class manufacturing and logistic infrastructure in one of the world’s most favorable demographics. When we talk about our team, we are talking about exceptional talents who are dedicated, motivated, highly capable, and, most importantly, passionate about being the faces that make our favorite beverages brands a reality.

Our commitment to grow together with Indonesia is proven not just through our many investments. Moreover it is proven through our tenacity to learn, to develop our people, to build portfolios defined by relevance and choice, and to integrate our corporate social responsibility and sustainability pillars everywhere we operate. These pillars include providing a safe, flexible, and inclusive workplace (Our People), providing choices and information for our consumers to make their choice (Wellbeing), operating responsibly in all we do to minimize impact on the environment and ensure a positive lasting legacy (Environment), and partnering with our communities to deliver a shared benefit from our presence (Community).

We work as one, igniting ideas and innovation across our operations. Our intimate knowledge of our market is our strength. It is through this we drive unparalleled levels of shared value for our partners and customers

We focus on today and tomorrow as we lead, execute, and partner to take the business to the new heights and finally deliver sustainable shareholders returns. We are proud of our diverse yet solid team, and our track record of creating and realizing possibilities.

We’ve never stood still, constantly evolving and adapting to the changing markets, consumer tastes and technology. And, as the pace of change continues to accelerate, we see each day as another opportunity to advance the next chapter in our story.

We are Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia